Scandinavian Lecture
2016: Prof. Dr. Jens Folke Kiilgaard (Kopenhagen)
"Ophthalmological challenges in Greenland"
2015: Prof. Dr. Anders Kvanta (Stockholm)
"Embryonic stem cell transplantation to the subretinal space"
2013: Prof. Dr. Morten la Cour (Kopenhagen)
"Retinal detachment: an evidence based approach –the Denmark experience"
2010: Prof. Dr. Einar Stefansson (Reykjavik)
"Mechanisms of panretinal lasercoagulation"
East European Lecture
2011: Prof. Dr. János Németh (Budapest)
"International Multicenter LIPCOF Study for the Diagnosis of Dry Eye"
European Lecture
2012: Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Rose (London)
"Customised treatment of patients with thyroid eye disease"
European Guest Lecture
2014: Prof. Dr. Adrian Hopkins (Decatur, Georgia/USA)
"40 Jahre Augenheilkunde in Entwicklungsländern – Rückblick und Ausblick"